Check out the rules:
1) Subscribe to the blog by email = 1 entry
2)Register at the forum = 1 entry
3) Post a comment to the blog = 1/3 entry
Comment 3 times to earn one entry to the contest, with a limit of 3 comments per day. Comments must be relevant to the topic of the post or to a previous comment (posting “great post” isn’t really a comment). Comments can be made to any blog post. Subscribers can access the blog directly HERE to post a comment.
4) Write about the contest on your blog with a link back to us = 5 entries
5) Post a reply or comment on the forum = 1/3 entry
3 comments = 1 entry, limit 3 comments per day (relevant content as discussed in #3)
6) Digg , Stumble or submit a post to Technorati = 1 entry
Every post that you submit to, or will earn 1 entry to the contest. You can use the archives to submit as many posts as you like.
The $300 will be rewarded in the following increments:
1 $75 prize
1 $50 prizes
3 $25 prizes
5 $10 prizes
10 $5 prizes
No matter what is the result, I just want to say that I try my best.